

We are a company with eight years of experience. Our goal is to save energy in compressed air systems, and thus care for the safety of the employees and the continuity of work of the production plant, as well as to reduce production costs and protect the environment.

Operating in Poland and Europe, we have conducted nearly 200 leak detection audits, tested more than 440 compressors and restored control over more than 100 compressors with a total capacity of more than 12 MW.

By improving the energy efficiency of compressed air systems, our actions are determined by the time of return on investment.
  • We annually save our customers over PLN 4.000.000.
  • We do this by saving 1,900 kW of power, i.e. reducing energy consumption by over 13,500 MWh.
  • This means that we shut down more than 25 75kW compressors per year, reducing our carbon footprint by more than 10,500 tons. This is equivalent to the carbon dioxide emissions caused by driving 87 million kilometres, i.e. the distance from Earth to Mars.

The Company

Our company employs engineers with more than 25 years of experience who develop methods to restore control of our customers? compressed air systems by means of controlling, monitoring and servicing their compressed air systems, from the compressor room to the end point of use.

  • We know how to make your system reliable.
  • We implement a predictive Compressed Air Energy Economy supporting your peace of mind in maintenance.
  • Our energy management systems allocate the responsibility to suppliers and consumers of compressed air to ensure financial, energy and environmental results.

We deal with the selection of energy-saving devices and equipment necessary in every compressed air system. We value the quality, uniqueness and ergonomics of our products. We focus on solving your problems.

Order processing and service

Our supervisors are engineers with many years of experience. What matters to us is the period of return on investment, so we offer everyone an individual plan to achieve savings. Until now, we have saved our customers many millions of Euros.

Technical consultancy, training, audits

We have more than 25 years of experience in the field of compressed air systems. Because our goal is to reduce energy consumption of one of the most expensive utilities used in production plants, we are happy to share our knowledge in order to reduce costs, ensure the safety of the production plant and its staff as well as protect the environment.

compressors tested during the audits until the end of 2017
30 000 MWh
the energy savings achieved during the audits in 2017
1 000 000 €
the cost of the leakage we detected in 2017

The founder of the company is Wojciech Halkiewicz, who was selling compressors for 19 years and has been shutting them down for 8 years now. Wojciech Halkiewicz is an expert in compressed air technology with over 28 years of experience.

Based on a unique combination of four elements:

  1. expertise in the construction, setting and control of compressors,
  2. expertise in the field of compressed air production, transmission and use,
  3. experience in working with maintenance departments, IT process automation and facility management,
  4. analysis and testing of available components' devices in compressed air systems (from connectors, meters, compressors, monitoring systems and controllers to pipelines),

Mr. Halkiewicz has developed a predictive compressed air energy management system and his own BoxAir? compressor station monitoring system.

Wojciech Halkiewicz, a power engineer by education, specializing in displacement compressors design, is the author of many speeches, trainings, articles, a handbook on compressed air as well as co-author of a handbook edited by Prof. Janusz Walczak published by the Poznan University of Technology.

Currently he is training specialists and users in the field of compressed air in Poland and Europe.

Umów się na bezpłatny audyt FactFindAir® w Twoim zakładzie produkcyjnym.

Dowiedz się, jaki masz potencjał oszczędności.
Odbierz nieodpłatnie Plan Gospodarki Energetycznej Sprężonego Powietrza.

Formularz rezerwacji audytu FactFindAir®

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Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych przez 7 bar sp. z o.o z siedzibą w Poznaniu, przy ul. Kordeckiego 30 B w celu przesyłania treści promocyjnych i marketingowych na mój adres e-mail podany powyżej w formularzu e-mail Informujemy, że Pani / Pana zgoda może zostać cofnięta w dowolnym momencie przez wysłanie wiadomości e-mail na adres e-mail odo@7bar.pl spod adresu, którego zgoda dotyczy. Informujemy, że nie jest Pani / Pan profilowani. Pani / Pana dane nie będą przekazywane poza EOG ani udostępniane organizacjom międzynarodowym.

Zawiadamiamy, że administratorem Pani / Pana danych osobowych podanych w powyższym formularzu jest 7 bar sp. z o.o z siedzibą w Poznaniu, przy ul. Kordeckiego 30 B. Wszelkie pytania i wątpliwości prosimy kierować na adres odo@7bar.pl. Pani / Pana dane przetwarzane będą wyłącznie w celu udzielenia odpowiedzi na zapytanie zgodnie z zasadą, która głosi, że przetwarzanie danych jest zgodne z prawem jeżeli jest niezbędne w celu realizacji umowy lub przed jej zawarciem. W przypadku wyrażenia powyższej zgody, dane będą również wykorzystywane do przesyłania treści marketingowych. Pełne informacje o danych osobowych znajdzie Pani / Pan w naszej polityce prywatności.